Saturday, August 25, 2012

Needed some help with the annual

Brought my head mechanic out to help me finish the annual. We're going to pass on the wheelpants this time. They need some work and there just isn't time to do it.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fairchild Annual

Finishing up the Annual Inspection on my Fairchild 24. Trying to make it to the yeary Antique Airplane Association Fly-In up at Blakesburg, IA over Labor Day weekend.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday Morning at the Airport

I began the annual about 10 days ago, just taking my time, no big hurry. Put in a new primer today as the old one is shot.

Looked across the hangar row and saw Doug Gardner working on his recently acquired Pitts project.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Model Mania

It was raining (!) today in St Louis and I had woken up wanting to build a model so Sky and I
went to the hobby shop and purchased a couple models to build.

I paint mine while they're on the sprue tree.

 Sky builds his completely and then paints them.

Hard at work.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Looking for an engine.


I'm looking for an engine for my Cub. It came with a 65 and 4 bad cylinders. I'd like to find a C85-12, price appropriate for condition. If not that, an O-200.

Anyone know of one lying around?

You can reach me at plsurflyin at aol dot com to let me know.



Gear leg repair.

Trimming a gear leg repair with a cutoff wheel on the Air Sedan.

Just curious...

Where did all you guys that flew Cubs up to Oshkosh end up staying? And what did you do for food?
Inquiring minds want to know